Friday 3 February 2023

explorations of my blossoming faith; Finding sanctuary

 welcome back to the blog. Admin Sparkle here with some more random thoughts.

recently, i’ve been thinking a lot about devotion and forms of worship/religion and how they correspond with my beliefs as well as all of our lives. to me, faith is important, although i don’t believe that faith is important, in the traditional sense. what i mean by this is that i am not of the belief that an individual has to choose a religion or set of beliefs and stick with it, but rather i believe in building your own way of life and practices of faith around what you find meaning, beauty and joy in. 

for example, i practice astrology: i hold the belief that horoscope and planetary transits hold deep meaning in our mortal lives. i find great joy in learning about my placements and what they are bringing/will bring to my life, and how they affect my interactions with the outside world and my identity. yet, i find pleasure in other practices too. i hold some catholic beliefs; i think catholicism is a beautiful religion with deep cultural significance (all religions hold deep cultural significance, of course, but for me growing up in western europe, catholicism is what we’re taught most). what i’m trying to get at is that i think how religion is taught in systems of education is often narrow-minded, spreading a sort of all-or-nothing idea- that you have to choose one spiritual path, but this isn’t true. and, i think, this idea actually pushes people away from faith because it makes the topic daunting, like a lifetime commitment. 

i know that at least for me, i was always very atheist growing up. members of my family were religious- my grandmother in particular was very catholic ♡- but my immediate household never really held religious beliefs. but in the past year, i’ve gained an insatiable need to understand myself and my world. i’m unsure if this is my issues with control or identity or both seeping into my spirituality, but either way, i’ve gained some faith in the ways i described previously. and, i still have a long way to go on my journey: just recently, in fact, i received a birth chart reading from the lovely Cupid Astrology that i intend to read this weekend, and i’m hoping it will be insightful. i’m always searching for guidance and messages from the cosmos and my chart because, like i said at the beginning, it’s really important to me. the idea that there are higher powers, in whatever form they may take for you, is something i think we should find comfort in: not everything is up to us to understand all the time. i still feel strangely embarrassed about this journey. i don’t discuss my astrological ideas or otherwise faithful beliefs with my family- possibly it’s still the more judgmental younger version of myself shining through. 

but i hope that in 2023 i can develop even more, and let my spirituality blossom. i hope i can become more comfortable in myself this year; that is my number 1 resolution. i want to understand myself and i want to love myself. 

i hope the planets are moving in my favour. Sending lots of blessings and positivity to you, reader. ♡ Sparkle

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